If you have already registered, it is not necessary to register again.
Please call 519-888-4742 to update any current information


As part of the registration process you will be asked to provide some personal health and demographic information via a web based registration form that will be used by the Centre for Ocular Research & Education (CORE) to help determine your eligibility for future studies. All information collected by this form is stored in secure, password-protected databases located at CORE. Only authorized CORE personnel have access to this information. You can stop completing this questionnaire any time by closing your browser. All studies involving human participants conducted by CORE undergo prior ethics review and clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee. By completing and submitting this registration form through CORE's secure website, you are providing your agreement to allow authorized CORE personnel to:

  1. Contact you about participating in upcoming studies.
  2. Ask your eye care provider to obtain information on the health and history of your eyes.
  3. Update the information based on information provided by you or your eye care provider.
  4. Retain this information for a period of up to ten years without direct contact with you. You may withdraw your agreement at any time during the ten-year period by informing a member of CORE's staff or replying to one of the recruitment emails you receive.
    • If you have not participated in a CORE study during this ten-year period, you will be sent an email to determine whether you wish to renew this agreement for another ten-year period. If you choose not to renew or if we do not hear back from you, because you have not yet participated in any CORE studies, all information you provided will be deleted from the database.
    • If you have participated in a study during the ten-year period, you will be sent an email to determine whether you wish to renew the agreement for another ten-year period. If you withdraw from the agreement, please be aware that all information obtained from the eligibility questionnaire will be remain securely archived for audit purposes for a minimum of 25 years, as required by Health Canada.

5. All CORE studies are conducted under the jurisdiction of Canadian and/or US regulatory authorities. If you take part in one of these studies, the information you submit on this form may be accessed on occasion for the purpose of monitoring the research by the following parties:

    • Study sponsors (or the sponsors designate)
    • The Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo
    • Regulatory authorities in Canada and the United States (namely Health Canada and the United States Food and Drug Administration)
    • No information identifying you will be permitted to leave the custody of the CORE.

If your registration form indicates that you are eligible for a particular study, a member of CORE will contact you to explain the study details and invite you to consider participation. You may accept or decline the invitation. If you accept, you will be invited to attend a screening session at CORE, where you will be asked to read information about that study and, if you agree to take part, to sign a consent form. You can ask questions about the study at any time. The screening session includes an examination of the front surface of your eyes and additional questions regarding your vision and general health but is not a substitute for a full eye examination. Based on the screening session, you may or may not be asked to take part in the study.
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